My Account Of Events: Part 1

I’m gonna share with you my story over the last 2 years. I never thought what has happened would be possible in Brisbane, Australia. Conspiracy, police cover ups, crime & deception. I get to see the underbelly of Brisbane every day. No one knows what is really going on. Most people live sheltered lives. That […]
Human Rights, Feminism & Men’s Rights

Human Rights are a complex issue. It’s something we’ve only really been able to articulate as a species in the last few hundred years. Historically most cultures had human rights embedded in their religion which served as a guide. However, all religions disagree on some issues and even internally within religions, there are polarising views […]
Volunteering Tips for Volunteers

Here’s some advice for anyone wanting to volunteer from someone who’s been involved at every level of community work for over 15 years: If you find yourself wanting to volunteer consider very carefully why you want to do it. If it’s because you are feeling deeply troubled inside, empty, lonely, scared & lost. Go look […]
The Colours of Cambodia

Here are some of my favourite photos I took while sojourning amongst the Khmer people.
Nominated for Australian of the Year

I was very surprised & honoured to learn that I was nominated for Australian of the Year for 2015. I love that two of the points in the criterion for the award are “who lead by example” & “inspire others” which is a part of my mission statement. So grateful and honoured.
Invictus by William Ernest Henley

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-William Ernest Henley
Green Tea and Fat Loss: What’s the Connection?

Let’s have a yarn about green tea and how it’s helped me shed a few kilos.
Revolutionizing Visibility: Liberty Digital Elevates Only Tints with a Stellar Website and Digital Marketing Overhaul

The collaboration between Only Tints and Liberty Digital stands as a testament to the transformative power of a well-executed digital strategy.