My Account Of Events: Part 1

Adam James

I’m gonna share with you my story over the last 2 years. I never thought what has happened would be possible in Brisbane, Australia. Conspiracy, police cover ups, crime & deception. I get to see the underbelly of Brisbane every day. No one knows what is really going on. Most people live sheltered lives. That […]

Human Rights, Feminism & Men’s Rights

Human Rights are a complex issue. It’s something we’ve only really been able to articulate as a species in the last few hundred years. Historically most cultures had human rights embedded in their religion which served as a guide. However, all religions disagree on some issues and even internally within religions, there are polarising views […]

Volunteering Tips for Volunteers

Here’s some advice for anyone wanting to volunteer from someone who’s been involved at every level of community work for over 15 years: If you find yourself wanting to volunteer consider very carefully why you want to do it. If it’s because you are feeling deeply troubled inside, empty, lonely, scared & lost. Go look […]

Nominated for Australian of the Year

I was very surprised & honoured to learn that I was nominated for Australian of the Year for 2015. I love that two of the points in the criterion for the award are “who lead by example” & “inspire others” which is a part of my mission statement. So grateful and honoured.

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

It matters not how strait the gate,

      How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

      I am the captain of my soul.

-William Ernest Henley