Book Review – The Human Superorganism: How the Microbiome Is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life

Book Review – The Human Superorganism: How the Microbiome Is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life

In this book Rod provides a paradigm shifting view of human biology by considering the human body not as a mammal but as a superorganism. It postulates out the future of understanding and treating chronic disease on a scientific level. Rodney Dietert PhD is an immunotoxicologist with profound insight into how our microbiomes function with so much more than just digestion. Understanding how the bacteria that positively influences our lives and operates in conjunction with our bodies is an excellent place to start your journey towards understanding more about yourself. Whether you’re new to the concept of the human microbiome or an obsessed futurist, this book covers many broad topics while fluidly diving into technical details without getting too scientific.
The book has a chapter on self care in regard to probiotics. There are a lot of good practical take home tips that I’ve used to help improve my health.
Picture of A.B.James


I'm a musician, a podcaster, a blogger & I work in marketing.


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