Jari Wise was murdered by his partner on February 29, 2020. The Tasmanian police did not investigate or charge his partner for his murder. It’s been over 2 years. For detailed information about the story see the #Justice4Jari website here and my interview with Jari’s mother Faith here.
This series of posts looks at similar cases in Australia where someone has been hit and killed in a hit and run. The aim is to see how the police typically respond along with the courts, community, media and Government. This should expose the gender and race bias and the sheer incompetence of the Tasmanian authorities in their management of Jari’s case.
Here is a case to compare with Jari’s:

Danielle Jordan aka Danielle Fleming
Michael O’Connell
Relationship of P & V:
Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Ms Jordan suffered catastrophic head injuries after she allegedly fell from the bonnet of a car being driven by Mr O’Connell in the north Canberra suburb of Melba.
The couple were having an argument at a home in Melba early in the morning of 15 April 2022.
The couple went outside and Mr O’Connell allegedly got into the driver’s seat of a Mitsubishi Triton parked in the driveway while Ms Fleming sat on its bonnet. He allegedly started driving off while she was still sitting on the car despite a friend of hers, who had also been at the home, walking in front of it to make him stop. Ms Fleming allegedly held onto the bonnet as he drove off, accelerating out of the friend’s sight.
The documents also revealed witnesses reported having seen the car drive off and hearing a thump. Witnesses allegedly also saw Mr O’Connell pick Ms Jordan up off the road and put her in the car. Police said CCTV footage showed he took her to Calvary Hospital, carrying her limp body into the building.
Police Response:
Charged with Manslaughter. Arrested and placed in remand.
Additionally faced three counts of perverting the course of justice, stemming from allegations that he tried to convince those around the incident and police that the woman’s injuries were due to her falling down a set of stairs.
Charges were upgraded to Murder.
Government Response:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvCEKG7jfoM
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-18/canberra-man-charged-manslaughter-after-woman-falls-from-vehicle/100737156
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-10/michael-oconnell-charged-murder-danielle-jordan-fleming/101052798?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web&fbclid=IwAR30FKTtNhpLpa5ri2WvWsHoEVwExcR1GWpUk-sRB2VMdBi7YJEn1jSeGcE
- https://the-riotact.com/melba-woman-died-after-allegedly-falling-off-bonnet-of-partners-car/554280