Comparing Jari’s Case to Similar Cases: No.1 Matthew Leadbetter & Katherine Field & Her Unborn Child

Comparing Jari’s Case to Similar Cases: No.1 Matthew Leadbetter & Katherine Field & Her Unborn Child

Jari Wise was murdered by his partner on February 29, 2020.  The Tasmanian police did not investigate or charge his partner for his murder.  It’s been over 2 years.  For detailed information about the story see the #Justice4Jari website here and my interview with Jari’s mother Faith here.

This series of posts looks at similar cases in Australia where someone has been hit and killed in a hit and run.  The aim is to see how the police typically respond along with the courts, community, media and Government.  This should expose the gender and race bias and the sheer incompetence of the Tasmanian authorities in their management of Jari’s case.

Here is another case to compare with:

Matthew Leadbetter & Katherine Field & Her unborn child

Matthew Field and Kate Leadbetter, and their unborn son Miles


Katherine Leadbetter and Matthew Field.  Katherine’s unborn child.


17yo Male.

Relationship of P & V: 

Random hit & run.


Brisbane, Australia.


A teenage drug addict stole a vehicle and accidentally ran into Katherine & Matthew killing them and their unborn baby instantly.  The teenager fled the scene but was arrested shortly after.

Police Response: 

The perpetrator was placed in remand.  Police charged him with 2 counts of murder.  He later plead guilty to manslaughter.  He was also charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle while adversely affected by intoxicating substances, driving while disqualified, and failing to fulfil duties at the scene of a traffic accident


The perpetrator was sentenced to 10 years and eligible for parole after 6 years.

Government Response: 

As of 11th June 2022, Queensland’s attorney-general, Shannon Fentiman, has confirmed she may appeal against the sentence in order to have it increased.

Redland City Council Mayor Karen Williams has started a petition asking Fentiman to lodge an appeal, as well as make changes to the Youth Justice Act.

Queensland’s LNP opposition supports the petition, with Leader David Crisafulli saying the sentence was too lenient and would not deter other youth offenders.


Brisbane Times

ABC News

Picture of A.B.James


I'm a musician, a podcaster, a blogger & I work in marketing.


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