Not The People’s Republic Of China

Not The People’s Republic Of China

I have many Chinese friends. I have 2 really close friends who are chinese. I visited China in 1999. I have walked along the great wall of China. I’ve visited the Ice City in far north China near Russia. I’ve bought street food on the streets of Shanghai when I was 17. I love Chinese culture, Chinese people, Chinese history. I love Chinese philosophy and have read Sun Tzu, Confucius & Laozi.

Great Wall of China 1999

I also believe the current Chinese government the Chinese Community Party (CCP) is a criminal and fundamentally evil organisation. The Chinese Communist Party was established by Mao Zedong and I believe it is one of the greatest threats to mankind and civil liberties today. I believe they are as bad, if not worse, than Germany’s Nazi’s Party. It concerns me deeply that NOONE even seems to be slightly aware of this.

We all know Hitler was a bad dude. Jews are good at filmmaking and in turn, through films, we all know how evil Hitler was.

Mao Tse Tung (1893-1976) during review of army of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in Pekin, november 3, 1967 (Photo by Apic/Getty Images)

But Hitler was an amateur in comparison to Mao Zedong. Hitler was responsible for about 11.5 million deaths. Everyone knows he was responsible wouldn’t know how many Hitler killed but they’d probably guess several million. Mao killed CONSERVATIVELY 40 million people. Some say as many as 80 million but this is unlikely. Frank Dikoter estimates the figure to be around 55 million in his book “Mao’s Great Famine“.

Mao & Stalin Hanging At Joe’s Birthday Party

Joseph Stalin is certainly on the shortlist of Earth’s worst dictators ever. His genocide of the Ukrainian people in 1932 known as the Holodomor killed around 3.9 million people directly. All up he oversaw the systemic murder of around 6 million people. Still, Stalin is nothing compared to China’s Mao his Communist Party.

If Mao is so bad how come we haven’t heard of him?

I think there are a few good answers for this. Firstly, in the West, we’re generally not good with Asian languages. So, simply pronouncing, reading, remembering and understanding the name Mao Zedong rules out most English speaking people. Even the best of us struggle to say his name. His name is also translated into several different English versions (whether you use the old Giles translation, the more modern Pinyin or just an incorrect Chinglish guess).

Mao’s Victory Speech October 1st 1949

The other reason I speculate is that in Mao’s case: he won. All the other horrific dictators of the twentieth century were opposed and ultimately defeated. They died by suicide, were captured & killed or imprisoned for life. Mao defeated his enemies in battle most notably against the Japanese & the Kuomintang (KMT) or in English, the Chinese National Party.

Mao proclaimed the establishment of The People’s Republic of China from the Gate of Heavenly Peace (aka Tian’anmen Square) on October 1, 1949 and it’s held exclusive power of the country since.

In this June 5, 1989, file photo, a Chinese man stands alone to block a line of tanks heading east on Beijing’s Changan Boulevard in Tiananmen Square. The man, calling for an end to the recent violence and bloodshed against pro-democracy demonstrators, was pulled away by bystanders, and the tanks continued on their way. (AP Photo/Jeff Widener, File)

Noone knows about Mao because all of his opponents are dead. Everyone in China is taught a one sided factually untrue glorification, almost deification of Chairman Mao. You cannot purchase books on the topic in China. There are no libraries you can go to where you might be able to find out the truth. This has continued for 3 or more generations. So there just haven’t been any significant internal revolutions to overturn this oppressive regime because they honestly don’t believe they are in one.

The Great Firewall Of China

The biggest concern for China today is that their internet is highly censored. More than sixty Internet regulations exist in China and serve to monitor and control access to certain content online. These policies are implemented by provincial branches of state-owned Internet service providers, companies, and organizations.

The total number of people employed to monitor opinion and censor content on the internet – a role euphemistically known as “internet public opinion analyst” – was estimated at 2 million in 2013. They are employed across government propaganda departments, private corporations and news outlets. One 2016 Harvard study estimated that the Chinese government fabricates and posts approximately 448m comments on social media annually. A considerable amount of censorship is conducted through the manual deletion of posts, and an estimated 100,000 people are employed by both the government and private companies to do just this.

Dying to Disagree

Well over 1000 people are executed every year in China. Most of these executions are due to crimes that are said to be “intolerable to the society and the People’s Republic of China”. This includes murderers & rapists. But also drug traffickers and, what’s most concerning, just people they don’t like.

People who do say anything swiftly disappear virtually and personally.

Anyone who is religious in China is immediately put on a watch list. I don’t want to say too much on this one. I personally have met people who have been imprisoned and tortured for their faith by the Chinese Communist Party.

But Maybe They’ve Changed And Are Good Now?

Two recent disturbing events may finally awaken the world to the scale and horror of the atrocities being committed against the Chinese minority group known as the Uighurs. The Uighurs are a mostly secular Muslim ethnic minority, in Xinjiang, China. One is an authoritative report documenting the systematic sterilization of Uighur women. The other was the seizure by U.S. Customs and Border Protection of 13 tons of products made from human hair suspected of being forcibly removed from Uighurs imprisoned in concentration camps. Both events evoke chilling parallels to past atrocities, forced sterilization of minorities, disabled, and Indigenous people, and the image of mountains of hair preserved at Auschwitz.

Hair from Auschwitz Detainees.

This most current monstrous act by the CCP demonstrates a refined deeply religio-phobic worldview. Ideologically, it isn’t far from a medieval witch-hunt yet is being executed with administrative perfectionism and iron discipline. Being distrustful of the true intentions of its minority citizens, the state has established a system of governance that fully substitutes trust with control.

Over a million Uighurs are detained in concentration camps, prisons, and forced labor factories in China. Detainees are subject to military-style discipline, thought transformation, and forced confessions. They are abused, tortured, raped, and even killed. Survivors report being subjected to electrocutionwaterboardingrepeated beatingsstress positions, and injections of unknown substances. These mass detention camps are designed to cause serious physical, psychological harm and mentally break the Uighur people. The repeated government orders to “break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins”; “round up everyone who should be rounded up”; and systematically prevent Uighur births demonstrate a clear intent to eradicate the Uighur people as a whole.

More information on the current genocide taking place can be found here.

In summary, I want to make it clear as I did at the start that I love the Chinese people, the Chinese nation and my mates from China. I have deep concerns about their current government. The traits of the government that concern me are:

  1. Lack of Accountability. China has no alternative political, independent media or justice system. These three pillars of modern society around the world provide a means for exposure of injustices of campaigns, by individuals or the collective government. China must implement this to be respected as a nation and hold the CCP accountable
  2. Hatred, unto death, of diversity. The CCP has a track record of killing or dominating anyone, country or idea that is different. This is shown by their treatment of the Uighurs, Nepal, Taiwan, People with a Disability and anyone who is religious. I know Chinese people who are welcoming of diversity. This is not a Chinese trait. It is a trait of the CCP and should be changed.
  3. Democratic Processes. I do not believe the issue is as simple as Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism. A lot of Chinese people I know are great at business and could, therefore, be considered good capitalists. I also think there are great ideas in socialism that we, Australians, have adopted such as government funded universal health care. I think the issue is the lack of any democratic processes. Chinese people cannot vote on anything and there is no court of appeal if the government makes a decision that you believe is wrong. Chinese people have no say in their laws. Chinese people have no say in who they go to war with, taxation, what films they can watch, what books they can read or what philosophy or religion they can follow. The Chinese Communist Party treats the people they govern, Chinese Men & Women like naughty children.

What Can We Do?

Talk about it. Discuss it with your Chinese friends (politely and carefully… they could be killed if they return back to China and find emails from you damning the CCP). Share it on social media. Educate yourself. Hitler’s rise to power was only made possible by the ignorance and apathy of the people. Educate and teach. Hopefully, they can have slow and peaceful internal reform in China. This will only happen through the education of the next generation of Chinese people.

Picture of A.B.James


I'm a musician, a podcaster, a blogger & I work in marketing.


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