Hire Adam James for your next speaking engagement

Adam James has been running a community organisation called Liberty Enterprises since June 2012. They run several programs that have a positive impact on their local community which you can read in more detail on their website here. Most famously they started a social enterprise cafe called Cup From Above Cafe which closed in June 2018.
Over the years, Adam has worked with some of the most complex individuals in Queensland, successfully assisting people with severe addiction, unemployed, violent criminal behaviour, disability & homelessness through to success.
With several grassroots community programs, hard work and an innovative approach, Liberty Enterprises is now recognised in Queensland as a beacon of hope for the marginalised.
Adam’s presentations cover:
- The inspiring story of Liberty Enterprises & Cup From Above. How it was birthed and how it powerfully assists people today.
- Social Enterprise strategies that genuinely change lives and make measurable positive community impact and can be implemented in any business
- Stories of broken people and their inspiring road to rehabilitation and successes through Liberty Enterprises
- How their unique approach works, why it works & how others can use the same strategies
- Practical ‘take home’ strategies your business, organisation, church or community group that can be easily implemented to replicate similar success.

Adam regularly speaks with community organisations, corporations, political groups, rotary clubs on topics such as strategies for fostering an inclusive culture, how to encourage and celebrate diversity, effective methods for measuring social outcomes.
Adam is an engaging speaker with a library of outrageously colourful and hilarious stories that will intrigue your audience.
If you are looking for a speaker that can give unique insights into the regular challenges faced in the community, Adam James can present the facts, beautiful stories of recovery, and effective strategies that will inspire and encourage any audience.
To discuss booking a speaking appointment you can contact Adam here or via the form below.